Sunday, November 16, 2014

Earth toned, ruffled bottom, recycled t-shirt skirt

I LOVE making recycled t-shirt skirts to see what I can come up with next. I have made many t-shirt skirts but was never happy with just a standard straight bottom, so along came the ruffle.
I think the neutral earth tones of this skirt and the ruffled bottom make it a perfect match and fit. I am thinking about making some brighter ones and selling them on Etsy.
So keep your eye out for the newest colors and styles I have come up with.
I still cannot believe all this started when my friend, Amanda, showed me a gals work names Katwise. I loved the look of her sweaters I bought the pattern and have let my imagination go from there.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Ball Spider Versus a Paralyzed Wiener Dog

When it is cold and wet outside you have to be creative. So my husband and I came up with a Halloween spider costume for our paralyzed wiener dog, Slinky. Once on mt husband realized Slinkys favorite toy, at that moment, was a busted tennis ball. So he put the ball on, without SLinky realizing and here are the results.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Recycled T-shirt Maxi skirt

Having 36" legs it is hard to find a Maxi skirt that does not end mid calf. So I grabbed old t-shirt and scrap pieces and came up with this skirt. I love love love this skirt and it is sooooooo comfy. Since one end of the skirt tie is held down with a button, you can cut slits in the other end of the t-shirt string and attach to the button.
I had to applique a mushroom to the bottom, just because it was so darn cute. It is made with red and white t-shirts and bleach for the little white dots. I am now in the process of making a blue Maxi skirt.

Friday, July 11, 2014

100% FREE tutorial to make paralyzed wiener dog drag bags
Meet Slinky, he is 9 years old, he jumped off a bed almost 4 years ago and has been paralyzed in his back end since. He has no idea he can't use his back legs, and is just as much as a handful as he was with his back legs. DO NOT feel sorry for Slinky, he as ramps all over the house, inside and out, he plays fetch until you are tired and loves to play tug of war. 
When he first got paralyzed we had no idea how to deal with it, so I did lots of research and found that there was very little out there for him. So after many trials and LOTS of errors I have come up with a FREE way to make our little guy happy and safe. 
Anyone who can sew a straight line and has some extra clothes that they can separate with, or ask friends for clothes we had so many offers I finally had to turn away clothes meant for Slinky bags. 
If you are anything like us you do not have lots of extra money for your little guy/ gal to buy bags for them. So finally here it is free for the world to make and keep their little friends.happy I call them Slinky Bags :-) He wears Huggies size 4 diapers, We found they held his wiener up and stayed on the best, for an ACTIVE dog 
One more thing, you can use the same pattern to make Slinky PJ bags, just omit steps 6 and 7. Or just use the sleeves from sweat shirts for the tube part, if you are only making PJ' s it is the easiest way to go. 
If you have any questions, or comments PLEASE share. If you make your own Slinky Bags share your pictures so others can be inspired to make their own. 
To wash the bags I just throw them in the washer, with a little bleach, and detergent. I have washed, suede, leather, denim, etc and they might wrinkle, but so what they work for your friend and the bleach helps sterilize the bags.
Slinky was a real trooped. He would have been 14 in January 2018, and was paralyzed for 7 years, but sadly Slinky passed away 9/12/17, When we found out he was paralyzed we did not think he would survive 1-2 years, boy were we wrong. We changed his Huggies size 4 everyday, and he had more outfits then I did at times. 
The little guy will be missed by all he touched, a real inspiration !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Recycled fabric Quilt

My beautiful niece graduated from high school last Friday. I had such an awesome visit. Here was my gift to the Kelley. The pattern is called X's & O's aka kisses and hugs. It is made entirely with recycled fabric. Took a while to make it but Kelley is so worth it and now she can wrap herself up in kisses and hugs  Many of my friends will see their contribution to the blanket. If you only have a little bit of fabric take all the little bits and make an amazing quilt :-)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Backyard pallet oasis

We are redoing our little back yard into a little oasis where you can sit and read or just take a nap. I love what a little paint will do. It is still a work in progress but it is already become the favorite place to sit and visit with friends now.
UPDATE The back yard is getting better and better, with the help of friends it is quick work also. We can now have a little fire in the evenings and it is becoming a magical place where everyone wants to hang :-) Our next move it to put a little cover over the bed area. Right over that area is a place the birds love to sit, and shit, over us. Have a bird poo on me yesterday LOL

Monday, March 31, 2014

Leftover yarn into colorful crocheted blanket

My good friend Edith brings me yarn from thrift stores all the time. I have known her for over 16 years and decided to take some of the left over yarn that she has given me over the years and crochet a blanket for her. She is stopping by after work today and has no idea why. I just told her I have something to give her and when I do the only thing I am gonna tell her is "Thank you for being my friend" 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

SMALL space indoor veggie garden

Welcome to my SMALL space veggie garden. All the plants you see were started from either seeds or clippings. All my containers are made from recycled things. I have spaghetti squash, pole beans, wax beans, corn, swiss chard, basil, dill, parsley, scallions, lettuce, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, cilantro, cabbage, and I am sure a few things I am forgetting. All these plants are either on the WIDE sunny window bench Mike made or in our 55 gall. aquatic garden  I love spending a few hours working on my small space indoor veggie garden on a cold winters day 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Never lose your remote again

This might sound crazy to many, but if you have ever lost your remotes to watch TV, this 

works  Nothing like coming up with a solution with an old pair of pants and sweater. We 

have had it on our couch for about 2 weeks now and it has worked AMAZING well 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Produce bag scrubbie

 Here are pictures of the plastic mesh bags I get quite a bit of my produce in. I could bring myself to just throw them out. So I decided to recycled them, and saw an episode of Extreme Cheapsakes and realized a man in one of the episodes that answered my question.
First I remove the food inside, and cut any tags off and get the knot out of the top of the bag, except for one.
Now take a few of the mesh bags you have saved in a can, under the sink, and stuff them inside the one with the knot still in it.  

Now scrub away. We use these scrubbies on non-stick pans, cast iron pans, sinks, counters, tubs, grout, etc etc etc. The possibilities are ENDLESS. We use them inside and outside. Since they are a soft plastic we have found it does not scratch things :-) Seriously once you have tried this you will find it hard to spend ANYTHING on scrubbies for your sink, and many will run at least $5 EACH. Another bonus is once they get yucky just throw them in the dishwasher utensil basket and start using it again :-) It also does not absorb water so they don't get yucky if you rinse them well after each use. REALLY GO TRY IT then write to me and let me know what you have used your new scrubbie for :-)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Paralyzed weiner dog VS a closed coffee can

Our paralyzed dachshund. Slinky, is to smart for his own good. He wants to play fetch at least 12 hours a day. Since he is small, this is done by throwing his ball down the hallway ALL DAY LONG!!!!!! So as a joke we started putting his ball in an open coffee can, but withing a few days he realized if he can pick it up the ball drops out. So then we upgraded to putting the lid on the can. By the next day, this is what he can do with the can now LOL in the video.
I am thinking about freezing the ball in some water, in the can, with the lid on, this summer for a great outside toy for him.
Any ideas on his next toy?